Discussion Papers and Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Current Discussion Papers
“Cash or Cache? Distributional and Business Cycle Implications of CBDC Holding Limits“ (with Jana Magin and Daniel Stempel). This is an updated version of the DICE Discussion Paper Nr. 396 listed below, Juli 2024.
Neyer, Ulrike und Daniel Stempel (2022). How Should Central Banks React to Household Inflation Heterogeneity? DICE Discussion paper No. 378, Januar 2022
Horst, Maximilian, Neyer, Ulrike, Daniel Stempel and Philipp Roderweis (2020). Asymmetric Macroeconomic Effects of QE-induced Increases in Excess Reserves in a Monetary Union. DICE Discussion Paper No. 346.
Neyer, Ulrike and Daniel Stempel (2019). Macroeconomic Effects of Gender Discrimination. DICE Discussion Paper No. 324.
Neyer, Ulrike and André Sterzel (2018). Preferential Treatment of Government Bonds in Liquidity Regulation - Implications for Bank Behaviour and Financial Stability. DICE Discussion Paper No. 301.
Neyer, Ulrike and André Sterzel (2017). Capital Requirements for Government Bonds – Implications for Bank Behaviour and Financial Stability. DICE Discussion Paper No. 275.
Link, Thomas and Ulrike Neyer (2017). Friction-Induced Interbank Rate Volatility under Alternative Interest Corridor Systems. DICE Discussion Paper No. 259.
Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals
"Do Large TARGET2 Balances Bear Risks for the Euro Area?" (mit Maxmilian Horst). In: Credit and Capital Markets (ehemals Kredit und Kapital) 2021, Vol. 55 (1), pp. 3-34
Gender discrimination, inflation, and the business cycle (mit Daniel Stempel), Journal of Macroeconomics 2021, Vol. 70
Horst, Maximilian and Ulrike Neyer (2020). The Impact of Quantitative Easing on Bank Loan Supply and Monetary Policy Implementation in the Euro Area. In: Review of Economics, Vol. 70 (3), pp. 229-265.
Sterzel, André (2020). Reforming the Regulatory Treatment of Sovereign Exposures in Banking Regulation. In: Credit and Capital Markets (formerly: Kredit und Kapital) Vol. 53(1), pp. 81-122.
Bucher, Monika, Hauck, Achim, and Ulrike Neyer (2020). Interbank Market Friction-Induced Holdings of Precautionary Liquidity - Implications for Bank Loan Supply and Monetary Policy Implementation. In: Economic Theory, Vol. 70(1), pp. 165-222.
- Neyer, Ulrike (2019). The Independence of the European Central Bank. In: Credit and Capital Markets (formerly: Kredit und Kapital), Vol. 52 (1), pp. 35-68.
Bucher, Monika and Ulrike Neyer (2016). Der Einfluss des (negativen) Einlagesatzes der EZB auf die Kreditvergabe im Euroraum. In: Credit and Capital Markets (formerly: Kredit und Kapital), Vol. 49 (2), pp. 221-244.
Hauch, Achim, Neyer, Ulrike, and Thomas Vieten (2015). Reestablishing Stability and Avoiding a Credit Crunch: Comparing Different Bad Bank Schemes. In: The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Vol. 57, pp. 116-128.
Neyer, Ulrike and Thomas Vieten (2014). Die neue europäische Bankenaufsicht - eine kritische Würdigung.
In: Credit and Capital Markets (formerly: Kredit und Kapital) 2014, Vol. 47(2), pp. 341-366. -
Hauck, Achim and Ulrike Neyer (2014). Disagreement between Rating Agencies and Bond Opacity: A Theoretical Perspective.
In: Economics Letters 2014, Vol. 123 (1), pp. 82-85. -
Hauck, Achim and Ulrike Neyer (2014). A Model of the Eurosystem´s Operational Framework and the Euro Overnight Interbank Market.
In: European Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 34, pp. S56-S82. -
Hauck, Achim, Neyer, Ulrike, and Thomas Vieten (2011). Hauptrefinanzierungszins, Interbankenmarkt und Geldangebot im Euroraum.
In: Review of Economics (Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftswissenschaften), Vol. 62 (2), pp. 89-106. -
Heyde, Frank and Ulrike Neyer (2010). Credit Default Swaps and the Stability of the Banking Sector.
In: International Review of Finance, Vol.10 (1), pp. 27-61. -
Neyer, Ulrike (2009). Interest on Reserves and the Flexibility of Monetary Policy in the Euro Area.
In: Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Vol. 111 (2), pp. 417-438. -
Neyer, Ulrike (2007). Asymmetric Information and the Transmission Mechanism of Monetary Policy.
In: German Economic Review, Vol. 8 (3), pp. 428 - 446. -
Neyer, Ulrike and Jürgen Wiemers (2004). The Influence of a Heterogeneous Banking Sector on the Interbank Market Rate in the Euro Area.
In: Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 140 (3), pp. 395 - 428. -
Neyer, Ulrike (2004). Banks' Behaviour in the Interbank Market and the Eurosystem´s Operational Framework.
In: European Review of Economics and Finance, Vol 3 (3), pp. 53 - 80. -
Neyer, Ulrike (2004). Asymmetric Information in Credit Markets - Implications for the Transition in Eastern Germany.
In: Economic Systems 2004, Vol. 28 (1), pp. 61 -78.
"The Design of the Eurosystem´s Monetary Policy Instruments." Thesis (Habilitation).
Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag 2007. -
"Fehlallokation von Kapital als Folge asymmetrisch verteilter Informationen auf den Kreditmärkten - Implikationen für den Aufbauprozess der ostdeutschen Wirtschaft."
Dissertation. Baden-Baden: Nomos-Verlagsgesellschaft 2000.