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Bachelor/Master Thesis

Bachelor's and Master's theses can be started at any time. If you are interested to write your thesis in a specific area, we will try to find a suitable topic for your thesis. Otherwise, we will suggest a topic within our research area. For Bachelor's theses we require successful participation (grade 4.0 or better) in the BW11 exam, for Master's theses we require successful participation in the MW14 exam.

Please email Jacqueline Voß () if you are interested in writing your thesis with us. Please make sure to mention: your full name, your subject of study, in which semester you passed either BW11 or MW14, when exactly you want to start your thesis, and, if applicable, a topic that interests you.

Formally, we follow the guidelines of the DICE: https://www.dice.hhu.de/fileadmin/redaktion/Fakultaeten/Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche_Fakultaet/DICE/Studium_VWL/Studium_VWL/Module/Bachelor/BQV03/2019-04-11-Hinweise_zum_Anfertigen_von_wissenschaftlichen_Arbeiten.pdf.

All relevant information about deadlines and the examination regulation you can find here: https://www.wiwi.hhu.de/studiendekanat-pruefungsausschuss/pruefungsangelegenheiten-1

The “Deutsche Bundesbank” specifically promotes students and young academics who stand out for their excellent theses that are closely related to the Bundesbank and its tasks. The “Deutsche Bundesbank” makes a generous budget available for this purpose every year! All bachelor- and master- as well as PhDtheses submitted between April 2023 and March 2024, related to the Bundesbank were assessed by a selection committee. The best  theses  were then nominated to the Bundesbank for awards. Bachelor theses can be rewarded with € 1,000,  master theses  with € 1,500, Dissertations can be rewarded with € 3,000!

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